Implication of Education and Democracy on Freedom in Learning

Implication of Education and Democracy on Freedom in Learning and democracy are intertwined in the idea of freedom and equal opportunity for all. If we are serious about combatting poverty, and ensuring that all…

How Education will Prepare the Generation

How Education will Prepare the Generation hаѕ аlwауѕ bееn оnе оf thе major issues іn Indonesia. In thе field оf education, wе hаvе nеvеr bееn advanced lіkе today. It hаѕ started…

Intinya Ruang Kelas! ONLINE Learning itu Alternatif

Intinya Ruang Kelas! ONLINE Learning itu Alternatif - E-learning (model pembelajaran daring) merujuk pada model belajar-mengajar dengan landasan pedagogi konstruktivism dimana model pembelajaran ini bertujuan untuk memicu keaktifan dan menumbuhkan nalar kritis…
